Because of the increasing number of states across America legalizing the use of marijuana, more and more people are eager to learn about it. Though there is already wide usage — some even on a daily basis — others are still hesitant to get their toes wet. If you’re on the fence about recreational marijuana, we may have the answers you’re looking for.
What Is Recreational Marijuana?
Recreational marijuana involves infrequent smoking or consuming marijuana primarily for personal enjoyment without any medical justification. Referred as for adult-use, only ages 21 and above can legally purchase and consume cannabis for recreational purposes.
How Does It Differ From Medical Marijuana?
As the name suggests, medical marijuana involves the consumption of marijuana as per a doctor’s advice to alleviate symptoms and help treat certain illnesses. Though both recreational and medical marijuana come from the same plant, medical cannabis differs in many aspects — the availability of options, restrictions of usage, and experience when purchasing among them.
While recreational purchases only need a government-issued ID that proves one is of legal age, medical marijuana purchases require a Medical Cannabis Card. This card (also known as a Medical Marijuana Card or Medical Marijuana Identification) is state-issued and shows that someone is prescribed by a licensed doctor to obtain, consume, or cultivate cannabis for medical use.
Acquiring medical marijuana takes more time than recreational weed, and depending on the severity of one’s medical condition, some people require more potent products for their needs. Legally, in most states, at-home cultivation is only legal to those with Medical Marijuana Cards or those with special approval.
Where Is Recreational Marijuana Legal?
Several countries have adopted a decriminalization policy to make the possession and usage of marijuana a non-criminal offense and have legalized its use for medical and recreational purposes.
These countries are Canada, South Africa, Georgia, Uruguay, Australian Capital Territory in Australia, the District of Columbia in the Unites States, along with Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Washington, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Vermont, Guam, Illinois, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, South Dakota, New York, and Virginia.
What Are the Components of Marijuana?
Marijuana is composed of approximately 120 components referred to as Cannabinoids. These chemicals are found on the flowering shoots and leaves; of these 120, the two most common are Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
CBD is the main component used for medical marijuana, while THC is for recreational marijuana. CBD is non-euphoric, can alleviate symptoms, and can help treat diseases. THC, on the other hand, provides a “high” sensation.
What Does Using Marijuana Feel Like?
There are several positive effects that benefit the body when using recreational marijuana:
- It provides a happy, feel-good sensation.
- It energizes and unleashes creativity.
- It heightens the senses.
- It helps users cope with stress.
How Can Marijuana Be Used?
While smoking is the most common way to consume marijuana, you can also try vaping, dabbing, and eating.
- Smoking can be done in several different ways, involving specific tools known as pipes that come in a variety of styles with their own advantages. Two of the most common today are hand and water pipes.
- Vaping is similar to e-cigarettes wherein the components are released through vapor. Many health-conscious users use vaping instead of smoking as it poses less health risks.
- Dabbing involves consuming concentrated amounts of THC by vaporizing it under high temperature.
- Edibles are foods made with cannabis and can come in the form of cookies, brownies, or capsules.
The effects of marijuana vary per strain and the user’s well-being. Many find using recreational weed relaxing, while others experience anxiety and confusion.
Whatever your reasons for consuming marijuana, whether they’re medical or recreational, Altitude Organic Cannabis is here for you. As a Keystone, Colorado dispensary, we take pride as the best source of marijuana in Colorado. Contact us today, and we will be more than glad to assist you.