CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical found in Cannabis sativa. Although CBD may be derived from both hemp and marijuana, due to its legal status, hemp is a more prevalent source of cannabidiol.
Cannabis has been illegal in the United States since the 1940s, but it became a strong focus of the international War on Drugs in 1970. The trend has only just begun to turn in favor of legalization. Hemp is now federally lawful, and marijuana is permitted for recreational use in 18 states.
However, this was not always the case. Hemp and marijuana were widely employed for industrial and medicinal purposes centuries ago. The herb was also used in spiritual rites.
So, what exactly is the history of CBD? When was CBD discovered? How long has CBD been around, and why did it become outlawed in the first place?
History of CBD
The cannabis plant was used for medicinal purposes for the first time in China. Emperor Cheng Neng successfully made the first CBD cup of tea in 2737BC. Gout, malaria, and rheumatism were all treated with the tea. Over time, people who drank this tea were shown to have better cognitive and memory function.
The plant continues to appear in accounts relating to the history of CBD. It was said that Queen Victoria used the herb to relieve menstruation pains, lending credence to the analgesic claims.
Unfortunately, as modern medicine progressed, cannabis was marginalized due to mistaken legislation fueled by racism and the need to identify a new adversary for American culture.
Cannabis was given a turn in the spotlight before prohibition in 1839. William B. O’Shaughnessy pioneered research on the medical use of CBD. Unfortunately, he never saw the fruits of his labor. His work was not acknowledged until nearly a century after his death.
In his studies, William O’Shaughnessy emphasized the prospect of cannabis extracts having medicinal use. He primarily presented the plant as an anesthetic.
The Rebirth of CBD
After many years of being hidden, cannabinoids were finally discovered by Roger Adams, a Harvard-trained scientist who extracted CBD from cannabis plants. He also discovered cannabinol (CBN), another cannabinoid. His studies also contributed to the discovery of THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, the most active ingredient of the cannabis plant.
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, another scientist, probed further and discovered the CBD structure. A year later, he isolated THC and defined its structure for the first time. His work earned him the moniker “Godfather of Cannabis Research.”
Scientists could infer that the intellectually stimulating effects of cannabis were due to THC rather than CBD by examining their stereochemistry. CBD was discovered to be intimately connected to the plant’s medicinal benefits.
This research established CBD’s safety as a medicinal agent.
CBD still impacts the brain; otherwise, it would be ineffective for treating anxiety and sleeplessness. The distinction is that CBD does not have intoxicating effects on the brain.
The CBD Pharmacology
Mechoulam was able to attribute the therapeutic impact to some of the body’s biological activities. He hypothesized that cannabis elicited their medical effects through a very particular mechanism.
Allyn Howlett, around 1985 or thereabouts, identified the CB1 receptor. The CB2 receptor was found a few years later, in 1993. With these two studies, Mechoulam’s theory concerning the impact of cannabinoids on human health was validated. The system he was referring to was known as the Endocannabinoid System.
According to these experts, the body contains specific receptors that create endocannabinoids. These molecules were discovered to regulate processes including eating, the sleep-wake cycle, pain, and reproduction.
When cannabinoids like CBD and THC are consumed, they stimulate the endocannabinoid receptors, resulting in various therapeutic benefits.
History of Cannabidiol: How Was CBD Oil Originally Used?
Cannabis has been farmed for at least 5000 years as hemp and marijuana. The presence of cannabinoids is responsible for the plant’s health advantages. Long before the chemical structure of CBD was revealed, these components could be extracted as a fatty resin, which people often incorporated into teas.
New Mexico authorized cannabis for scientific reasons late in the twentieth century. The state passed the Controlled Substances Medicinal Research Act in 1978, allowing the research of cannabis’s therapeutic benefits.
Following Mechoulam’s 1940 study, a group of Brazilian researchers ran a clinical experiment in which epileptic patients were given 200mg of CBD oil while another group was given a placebo. There were no convulsions in 40% of the population who received CBD for months. Another 40% decreased the frequency of seizures, and 20% experienced no reaction, as did the control group.
CBD’s Rise in the United States
As medical specialists became more interested in the therapeutic qualities of CBD, various states began to identify reasons why cannabis should be decriminalized. With the passage of the New Mexico law and the legalization of cannabis in Oregon in 1973, additional states began to authorize marijuana usage as a medicine.
California was the first state to approve medicinal cannabis in 1996.
Alaska, Washington, and Oregon quickly followed suit a year later. Maine came right behind them, legalizing marijuana the next year. Colorado, and Hawaii also followed suit, adopting legislation in 2000.
As of 2021,18 states in the United States have authorized recreational cannabis usage.
Charlotte Figi: The Girl Behind the Boom in CBD
Charlotte was born on 18 October 2006. She was bright and healthy, but she had severe epilepsy. Charlotte was just five years old when she was diagnosed with a drug-resistant disorder, leaving her in a wheelchair. She experienced up to 300 seizures per week.
Fortunately, the family lived in Colorado, where medicinal marijuana was already legal. Paige, Charlotte’s mother, began giving cannabis oil of a specific strain called Hippies Disappointment. Charlotte’s convulsions became much less frequent when she became a social media celebrity. People from all over the world who had similar problems traveled to Colorado to get this CBD oil.
Charlotte’s seizures decreased dramatically, from 300 per week to little more than three per month.
Her tale spurred a worldwide rise in using CBD oils to treat seizures and epilepsy.
CBD Is Now Available in the United States
We knew very little about CBD and its medicinal potential five years ago. Today, however, it is the next big thing in the wellness world.
Many CBD-based businesses have sprung as a result of the legalization of hemp and its products. This increases the utilization of plant extract. The figures below will help us realize how essential CBD has grown to the US community in only a few years:
FDA approved the FDA’s first CBD-based drug in 2018. Epidiolex is used to manage epilepsy. The medication can be taken orally and causes seizures to decrease dramatically.
The CBD market is experiencing a boom. Analysts project that the CBD market will reach 22 billion dollars this year.
There are eight types of CBD available in the US today: gummies and tinctures, lollipops or patches, vaporizers, capsules, creams, creams, and so on. This reflects how CBD extract is becoming more deeply ingrained in society.
It is possible that CBD could have even more therapeutic benefits. Research continues to examine the potential analgesic effects of CBD and its effects on inflammation, neurodegeneration, and psychiatric disorders.
Key Takeaway
CBD’s advancement as a medical plant is hampered by the stigma associated with cannabis and an absence of clinical studies on its therapeutic potential. A shift in scientists’ and the general public’s mindset will usher in a new era for CBD and hemp-derived products.
The stigma associated with cannabis is dissipating, as seen by recent poll findings showing that most Americans support federal legalization.
The history of CBD is a bit rocky. It was formerly valued and widely used in traditional medicine, but the cannabis prohibitionist mania of the 1940s left it in legal limbo. Today, CBD has received its redemption tale – a well-written one with a good ending.
Experience the Wonders of CBD With Altitude Organic Cannabis
While the history of CBD may have had its ups and downs, it has become widely available in the present day and is generally considered safe to consume. However, it is important to do research before buying CBD-infused products.While CBD has many physical benefits, it is your responsibility only to consume what you need.
Altitude Organic Cannabis, a Colorado-based business, specializes in the best CBD-infused products. Our Keystone dispensary provides top-shelf and safe products for your recreational and medicinal needs. For more information on our CBD products, visit our website and contact us!