Is It Possible To Overdose On CBD?

AOC-Cbd hemp oil, doctor hand hold and offer to patient medical marijuana and oil (1)

THC overdoses frequently result in emergency room visits. People who consume THC in dosages that exceed their tolerance and sensitivity threshold may suffer unpleasant side effects ranging from paranoia to an increase in heart rate to a reduction in blood sugar levels.

Greening out from THC-rich cannabis is entirely feasible — albeit not catastrophic — but does the same hold accurate for CBD?

Is it possible to overdose on CBD oil?

What happens if you consume too much CBD at once?

Let us find out!

Can You Overdose on CBD? 

Before we go into CBD and overdoses, let’s define “overdose.” The term “overdose” can refer to a variety of things. Some overdoses are more severe than others, such as taking a potentially deadly amount of a drug; other times, it simply means taking a more significant dose than intended or when a person’s body has unfavorable effects.

CBD oil will not result in a deadly overdose since no cannabinoid receptors in the brain stem region are responsible for respiratory function. That doesn’t mean you can’t overdo it with cannabidiol.

Here’s what we know so far regarding CBD overdose.

Can CBD Cause an Overdose in Humans?

To date, no research has identified a CBD oil overdose. However, it is possible to consume more CBD than is suggested and develop minimal adverse effects. As a result, Gold Bee CBD oils have graduated droppers that make measuring the appropriate quantity of CBD simple. The quantity of CBD that exceeds your therapeutic dose and creates discomfort is what we mean by “too much CBD.”

There is no uniform “overdose threshold” for each individual; age, gender, diet, weight, metabolism, and experience with CBD are all variables in choosing your optimum CBD dosage.

Can CBD Cause an Overdose in Pets? 

Again, no publications in the United States have addressed information concerning dogs being harmed by CBD oil overdoses. Pets react to CBD oil in the same manner as people do. Pet parents need to be extra careful with their pet’s weight dose, as even the largest pets are three times smaller than people.

Hemp compounds may give significant health benefits to pets that take full-spectrum CBD. These products also include a trace amount of THC (less than 0.3 percent), which isn’t enough to get your pet high but is enough to make full-spectrum extracts more effective than CBD isolation.

If you’re looking for CBD for the first time, avoid huge markets like Amazon. Places like these solely offer hemp seed oil, mislabeling it as “hemp oil” or “hemp extract,” which is correct linguistically but not in terms of user experience. If you’re unsure where to begin with your pet with CBD oil, we recommend finding a holistic veterinarian near you.

What Are the Consequences of Excessive CBD Use? 

Both dogs and people accept CBD well. According to studies on efficacy and safety, CBD does not induce severe adverse effects at repeated dosages of 1,500 mg. Because most individuals don’t take more than 50 mg of CBD daily, it’s tough to fathom how much CBD you’d need to take to have signs of CBD overdose and experience any adverse side effects.

In that regard, potential side effects of high CBD dosages include:

  • Mouth dryness

  • Lightheadedness

  • Diarrhea

  • Appetite changes

  • CBD and medication contraindications

Dry mouth is a common effect among cannabinoids. It results from the interaction of cannabinoid receptors in the salivary glands. The cannabinoids in cannabis products will bind to these receptors and inhibit saliva production. It is a good idea to keep hydrated before and after taking CBD oil capsules or gummies.

When you overdose on CBD, you may experience dizziness owing to a transient decrease in blood pressure. People frequently experience feeling exhausted after consuming too much CBD oil; while this may be the intended result for some, it may cause others to choose to snooze during the day.

Shifts in appetite aren’t as prevalent as the other two, and experts are still trying to figure out why some people report experiencing increased hunger after using CBD oil while others claim to feel less hungry.

Diarrhea may develop from swallowing an excessive amount of the carrier oil in which the CBD extract has been contained.

CBD has been shown to impair the liver’s capacity to process pharmaceuticals. It functions similarly to grapefruit juice; therefore, if your medicine contains a grapefruit indication, you should avoid taking it while taking CBD oil. Additionally, users should be mindful of CBD-induced drug interactions, especially if they take any drugs. To minimize these complications, we recommend that you visit a doctor.

What Is an Adequate Dose in the CBD Dosage Chart? 

There hasn’t been much research on the toxicity of CBD. From an ethical sense, that would be impossible to test. However, according to 2011 research published in Current Drug Safety, the “toxic” amount of the CBD dosage chart is roughly 20,000 mg consumed practically all at once.

While researchers have explored amounts as high as 1500 mg per day, most CBD oils range between 100 and 2500 mg per bottle. In other words, you’d have to consume 300 ml of CBD oil containing 2000 mg every bottle. This equates to ten full-spectrum CBD oil bottles. To comprehend this, remember that the recommended beginning dose for most people is 5–20 mg daily.

When used at prescribed dosages or even over the recommended daily amount, the ordinary user is unlikely to have a CBD overdose.

CBD Dosage That is Beneficial for People 

Okay, so you can’t overdose on CBD and are unlikely to have any adverse effects while taking it at typical levels – but what is the ideal daily dosage? Is it essential to take CBD with meals or on an empty stomach? Is there anything else that might influence how you feel after using CBD?

The FDA does not currently regulate CBD. Because the EPA has yet to assess the efficacy and safety of hemp-derived products, there are currently no approved dose guidelines.

Several businesses provide their suggestions based on a single serving of their products. When using our CBD oil for the first time, we recommend using half a dropper of our product. Our products are meant to contain 40 mg of CBD per milliliter; therefore, the stated amount should be plenty, to begin with.

Various research and experts recommend taking 2–5 mg of CBD for every 10 pounds. Keep track of how you feel after each dosage and write it down. This will help you reduce the amount of trial and error on your journey to discovering the ideal CBD dose.

Can You Get Addicted to CBD Oil? 

According to research, there is no link between CBD consumption and addiction. CBD does not have the potential for misuse or dependency. CBD is also a non-intoxicant, which means it does not generate the euphoric high associated with high-THC cannabis strains, lowering the likelihood of developing harmful behaviors around it.

Indeed, preclinical research suggests that CBD is a potential molecule for treating withdrawal symptoms in cocaine, alcohol, and opiate users. However, more study is needed to determine CBD oil’s effectiveness in broad population samples.

Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD?   

Tolerance is when your body develops tolerance to a substance. You will need to increase the dosage if you wish to get the same effects. You may end up taking more CBD to achieve the same effect.

Some anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD may not have the same effect as before or may take longer to kick in. These could be indicators of tolerance. However, other factors can also play a role. Inconsistency could result from inconsistent effects at different times of the day or changes in your cannabinoid receptors’ sensitivity.

This is particularly true for those who use long-term cannabis users and supplement CBD. This is because they may have had previous exposure to cannabinoids. It can alter how hemp-derived products perform for them.

Prolonged THC use can cause the receptors to become less sensitive, leading to changes in how CBD makes you feel, especially if you are looking for effects that depend on the cannabinoid pathway.

Switching to full-spectrum CBD or broad-spectrum CBD could be beneficial if you use CBD isolate. Whole-plant extracts may contain other cannabinoids, terpenes, and trace amounts of THC. These factors all influence the effectiveness of CBD.

The Bottom Line 

The final fact is that CBD, even in high amounts, is entirely safe. It may have adverse side effects if used in large quantities, albeit they are minor compared to other drugs, including more potent cannabinoids. The good news is that CBD cannot fatally overdose, and to get a deadly amount, you’d have to consume ten bottles of powerful CBD oil in a row — which isn’t achievable under normal circumstances.

However, suppose you want the best outcomes with CBD and prevent any adverse side effects. In that case, we recommend starting low and proceeding gently, gradually increasing the initial amount until you attain the desired effects.

Get in Touch with Altitude Organic Cannabis 

If you follow the right and indicated recommendations, you will not have an overdose if you consume too much oil in one session. A typical CBD oil bottle includes at least 1500 milligrams of oil. If you wish to stick to the daily guidelines, always consume within a healthy range. Another essential point is to buy CBD products from reputable vendors that can guarantee their goods’ quality with batch-specific analysis certifications from third-party laboratories at all times, like Altitude Organic Cannabis.

As a legitimate business, we ensure that our products are high-quality and safe to consume. We have a Keystone dispensary that sells premium cannabis and CBD products cultivated in a contemporary facility. Please visit our website or phone us if you wish to learn more. Contact us today!

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